That's the number of photo's that I have on my computer. In the past few weeks, I've been organizing and editing my photos with Google's Picasa software. I've decided to switch to Google's web album (instead of using my own server) to host my photos. This is mainly due to the ease with which I can synchronize my local content with my online content.
Currently, I've posted only a few albums online. Instead of just blindly posting all my pics, I'm actually going through them and filtering out the junk. I'm hoping to get through all my albums by the end of this year (2009).
Here's the link:
Currently, I've posted only a few albums online. Instead of just blindly posting all my pics, I'm actually going through them and filtering out the junk. I'm hoping to get through all my albums by the end of this year (2009).
Here's the link: